beauty for ashes

27 April 2011

Easter Eggs!

Last week Haley, Benjamin, Jonah and I made natural dye for Easter eggs.  It was fun and cheap, and pretty easy.
To start with, we grabbed three dyeing agents:


purple cabbage
and turmeric.

Basically, we added each ingredient to a pot of boiling water and let it simmer for a good long while.  Benjamin was a great help, pouring water into the pots and keeping a close eye on the process.

And Jonah...well...


And of course we needed a little snack break!

Finally, the colors looked good and rich!

At this point, Jonah and I had to leave and Haley and Benjamin had to carry on without us.  Vinegar was added to the mixtures and eggs were boiled and set to soak.  Here is the finished project:

So lovely!  And no toxins!  And super cheap!

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